May you shine in Beauty, Truth and Sovereignty.

Templum Dianae is a dianic spiritual organization aiming to provide education in the Dianic Tradition and spiritual guidance to women.

Our Services


We offer mentoring and education in the Dianic Tradition and female spirituality to enable women to connect with, and evolve into, the spiritual dimension of life and their Sacred-self.


We aim helping women to reach a deeper knowledge of themselves and their spiritual needs.
Consultation consists of 1h video call to assist and guide you within the available time.


We offer remote oracle and tarot reading to provide knowledge, insight and guidance.
Divination session consists of 1h video call with no limint of questions within the available time.

Dianic Tradition

Dianic Tradition is a Goddess and female-centered spirituality. At its core are female rites and mysteries combined with the gynocentric cult of the Great Mother, practices of modern witchcraft and feminist politics […]

The Goddess

Dianics believe and worship the Great Mother of ten thousand names, conceived the ‘Cosmic Womb’, the primordial creative Matrix. She created Herself through parthenogenesis thus emanating all life forms […]

Our occult store

IN LUMINE LUNAE • Herbaria occulta

Handmade occult perfumery and esoteric supplies for spiritual practices and vibrational healing with a particular focus on female spirituality.